By now you could buy bags of 100 tiles at our etsy shop. Some clients told us that they like like to get less than that amount. Hence we changed the offer.
Now the lowest amount possible is 25 tiles of one color.
That gives you the opportunity to mix and match one color and decorated tiles. Enjoy it!
We thank you -our clients- for your orders and all the positive feedback we got from you on our work! We would apprecaite staying in touch with you within 2017!
All the best and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017!
Rita and Horst Kruger
We extended our programme line by printed designs. The prints are applied on our porcelain miniature tiles and fired at 820 °C. That makes the design durable!
Combined the plain tiles they will an eyechatcher in every kitchen and bathroom.
You can get the design tiles and the plain ones in our etsy shop:
Tiles are used a as an essential desig element in nearly every kitchen. Deborah tiled the space above the working area with traditonal white tiles and a Dutch blue wall mural. Besides she decorated the oven niche with an attractive combination of hand painted and lively blue tiles. It´s really an eyecatcher in Deborah´s country styl kitchen! We love it!
After having the dollshouse for many years Deborah has had time and leisure to outfit it according her imagination. This is the shower area. Deborah made the layout on her own, she selected her favourite tiles colours and send us a detailed order. We admire her certainty in combining colours and sizes and love the creative design!
As we make a very large variety of glazes in different colours and surface - often according to what customers like to get - we make most of the tiles on request.
This month we like to reduce our stock. Black tiles with an opac glossy glaze and yellow tiles with a transparent glossy glaze are on sale on our etsy shop now.
Take your chance and get them!
After having received orders we made the tiles for different projects. As you can see there are square tiles, quarter tiles, double size tiles, triangles and tiles of special width. All tiles are glazed in the desired colours and placed separtely on the kiln furniture by hand. It is quite a lot of work! By following this procedure we get miniature tiles which look like real full size tiles!
By the way: the colour variation of the brown glaze is intentioned and due to the application of an sensible old fashioned very glossy glaze.
A lady from the US likes to have tiles for her miniature bathroom. It was her wish to get a traditional floor with brown, back and creme colours. We made the layout and gave colour ideas. She likes the right one best. The walls were desgined accordingly. Creme tiles at the bottom and a band of black and brown quarter tiles one row below the top. Now we are going to make the tiles for the project and will show you the result in 4-6 weeks.
Down in the kitchen of the palace Correio-Mor in Louresin you find a very special tile mural. It shows how the cooking was done at the first half of the 18 th c.
A broad band of shells, waves, flower ornaments and richly decorated pilaster frame the scene. The cutouts at the top and bottom add depth and plasticity.
Jörg fell in love with this special tile mural and designed a roombox in 1 to 12 scale for it. With the help of his friends and miniature artists he gives the scene a lively apprearance. Even the cook is satisfied with the result!
Thanks to Jörg, the party can start now!
We will exhibit on Theminiatureshow in Chicago, taking place April 13th to 15th. Greg Madl initiated the Art Prize for Miniatures. We are going to contribute:
'' 4 Seasons ready for dancing "
It consists of 4 hand painted porcelain miniature tile murals, a wall made of real clay bricks and a fitting floor with a lively glaze. It would be a pleasure to meeting you at the show!
This month we like to present you another impressing room of Sabine´s manor house. To this room we could contributed 2 handpainted tile murals depicting musicians and the background of the fountain in the middle of the left wall.
Sabine told us that the room will be complimented with furniture and other valubles after she will have browsed her treasure chest. We are curious about it!
Sabine is creating a large elegant manor house. For the basement she prefers a floor with a lively and aged look. Together we selected a combination of hexagonal tiles and square tiles covered with a mat iron glaze. It show colours from sea sand to deep warm browns hues. The design on the floor of the left room is accentuated with a rim of hand painted medival designs. So is the cooking area of the right room. We thank Sabine for incorporating our floor in this impressive kitchen design!
In November 2015 we presented this floor. It was a real chalenge to make it because of the curvy segment at the front part and all the cutouts.
In the meantime Francoise got the floo, cut it our and tested the fit.
The green tiles have a glossy surface and the creme ones are silkmat. By looking at it you can see that the floor consists of real tiles!